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Girls In Synthesis - ‘Pressure’


Words | Fin Heighton-Jupp


Relentless and unforgiving, ‘Pressure’ is a two minute dive into Girls In Synthesis’ brutal and straight talking perception of the world we live in. Blending the aggression of their DIY punk ethos with a more modernised post - punk sound, the London based three piece have contained a flare of anguish and frustration within a 114 second track. With tribal, stomping drums and a bass line that slashes through the ever ringing feedback of the guitar with a vicious snarl, the instrumentals on this cut prove a dark and potent backdrop over which vocalist and bassist John spits lyrics of modernity and desperation.

Formed in 2016 Girls In Synthesis have put out a number of singles and EPs that have gained them a devoted and expanding following, earning them support slots with big names such as Wolf Alice, Slaves and Warmduscher as well as a vast array of sold out, sweaty and volatile headline shows. As their debut album looms it’s evident that this band are not ones you should let out of your sight.


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